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Montserrat Caballé – “Malinconia, Ninfa gentile” Arietta da camera from “Sei Ariette” – Vincenzo Bellini (1801 – 1835)

by Luca

Montserrat Caballé – “Malinconia, Ninfa gentile” Arietta da camera from “Sei Ariette” – Vincenzo Bellini (1801 – 1835).

LIVE at the Concertgebouw – Amsterdam (NL) – October 18, 1981.

Montserrat Caballé Soprano
M.° Miguel Zanetti Piano.

Malinconia, Ninfa gentile
Versi di Ippolito Pindemonte (1753 – 1828)

Malinconia, Ninfa gentile,
la vita mia consacro a te;
i tuoi piaceri chi tiene a vile,
ai piacer veri nato non è.

Fonti e colline chiesi agli Dei;
m’udiro alfine, pago io vivrò,
né mai quel fonte co’ desir miei,
né mai quel monte trapasserò.

Melancholy, gentle nymph
Lyrics by Ippolito Pindemonte (1753 – 1828)

Melancholy, gentle nymph,
I devote my life to you.
One who despises your pleasures
Is not born to true pleasures.

I asked the gods for fountains and hills;
They heard me at last; I will live satisfied
Even though, with my desires, I never
Go beyond that fountain and that mountain.

